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Sports Events  

in Honor of the 30th Anniversary since the Adoption of the National Currency 

of the Kyrgyz Republic  


Sports events involving the officials of the National Bank, commercial banks and microfinance institutions will be held in all regional centres of the Kyrgyz Republic.   

The purpose is to promote a healthy lifestyle among the officials of the financial and banking system, support the development and enhance the level of amateur running.  

The sports races will be held in the following cities:   

- Bishkek (May 14, 2023);   

- Batken (May 14, 2023);  

- Karakol (May, 2023);  

- Talas (May 13, 2023);  

- Jalal-Abad (April, 2023)  

Volleyball competitions are planned in April and May 2023 in Naryn and Karakol.  

Mini-Football tournaments are scheduled for May 2023 in Karakol, Batken, Talas, Osh.  

Chess tournament is planned in Batken in May 2023.