About the Bank
About bank
Aims, objectives and functions of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic
Legal status
Board of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic
Organizational structure
Regional departments
Main Committees
Strategic directions for activities of the National Bank
Banking legislation
Normative legal acts of the National Bank
Procurements and sales
The policy "On procurement of goods, works and services by the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic"
The base of unreliable and unfair counterparties (suppliers / contractors) of the National Bank
List of required documents for participation in the tender
List of necessary documents for participation in the request for quotations
International cooperation
Integration cooperation
Cooperation with international organizations
Bilateral cooperation
International seminars and conferences
30th Anniversary of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic
30th anniversary of the Kyrgyz som
Core functions
Monetary policy
Statement of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic on the monetary policy
Joint Statement of the Kyrgyz Republic Government and the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic
Main monetary policy guidelines
Monetary policy report
Monetary policy instruments
Schedule of the Board meetings on policy rate
Reserve requirement calendar
Press releases of the Board's meetings on policy rate
Banking system
Non-bank financial organizations
Payment system
Special regulatory regimes
Islamic financing principles
National currency
Circulation coins
Collection Coins
Stages of the national currency development
International Awards
Сriminal sanction for counterfeiting
General information about the reproduction of banknotes
How to exchange old and defective banknotes
How to buy uncut sheets with national currency banknotes
Markets and liquidity
Policy rate of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic
National Bank' Notes
Auction of Notes
Secondary market of notes
Volume of notes in circulation
Treasury Bills of the Ministry of Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic
Auctions of State Treasury Bills
Secondary market of State Treasury Bills
Volume of State Treasury Bills in circulation
Treasury Bonds of the Ministry of Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic
Auction of State Treasury Bonds
Secondary markets of State Treasury Bonds
Volume of State Treasury Bonds in circulation
National Bank' operations with GS on secondary market
REPO operations
Purchase/sale of government securities on outright terms
Deposit operations of the National Bank
Deposit operations in the national currency
Deposit operations in foreign currency
National Bank' credit operations
Refinancing transactions
7 days credit auctions
Credit auctions
National Bank' currency operations
Operations in the foreign currency market
Official exchange rates
SWAP operations
Interbank market
Interbank market of credit resources
Interbank foreign currency trading
Interbank swap operations
Historical data
History of the National Bank operations in the foreign currency market from 1996 to 2009
History of the interbank foreign currency trading 1996 to 2009
Annual report
Financial Sector Stability Report of the Kyrgyz Republic
Bulletin of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic
Balance of payments
Inflation report
Banking system development trends
Press release
Working and analytical papers
Monetary statistics
Monetary review
Review of other deposit corporations
Survey of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic
Balance sheet of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic
Banking statistics
Review of the banking system of the Kyrgyz Republic
Reserves of commercial banks
Deposits in commercial banks by the end of the period
Newly accepted deposits by commercial banks within the period
Deposits in commercial banks by regions of the Kyrgyz Republic, at the end of period
Credits of commercial banks by the end of the period
Newly issued credits by commercial banks within the period
Credits of commercial banks by regions of the Kyrgyz Republic, at the end of period
External sector of the economy
External-economic indicators
Balance of payments of the Kyrgyz Republic
Gross international reserves
International investment position
International reserves and liquidity in foreign currency
Real and Nominal Effective Exchange Rate Indices
International Trade
NFCO statistics
The calendar of information update
Services for the Public
Money museum
Money museum
Historical figures on banknotes
Gold bars
1 gram
2 gram
5 gram
10 gram
31,1035 gram
100 gram
How to buy and sell gold bars
Refined gold bars
Information for customers of financial services
Types of state securities
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