ь The National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic informs that from May 11, 2009, LLC “Specialized Fund for banks’ refinancing” (hereinafter referred to as the Fund) has started its activity/ The Fund was established to fulfill the Kyrgyz Republic Pesident Decree No.5 dated January 8, 2009 “On measures for stability provision in the banking system of the Kyrgyz Republic” to provide refinancing of the banking sector to support the economy crediting.
The major objective of the Fund consists in provision of credit means to commercial banks for further crediting of economic agents operating in such spheres as industry, agricultural sector, transportation and communication, trade, construction and tourism.
To support and develop entrepreneurial business in the Kyrgyz Republic, credits are issued for long-term period at the interest rate lower than market one. The interest rate amount on credits issued to entrepreneurs is pegged to the discount rate of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic (refinancing rate) with the use of adjustment coefficient and margin of a commercial bank. At that the interest rate on credits is floating, so it will be changed depending on the discount rate of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic. Depending on the projects, implemented by entrepreneurs, the Fund may provide crediting periods from 6 months to 5 years.
Entrepreneurs, interested in gaining credits from the Fund, may apply to commercial banks of the Kyrgyz Republic. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Fund: 0312-31-48-57.
ь The National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic informs that in the first half of 2009, 18 vacant positions have been announced, among them 12 contests were to the central office, 6 contests to regional departments, including 14 positions for turnover rate, 2 contests for probation and 2 contests for fixed-term labor contract.
174 people participated in those contests. As per results of the conducted contests, 12 employees were hired to work in the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic. Within the framework of cooperation with higher educational institutions, the purpose of which is preparation of staff potential, in the first half of 2009, 27 students of the republic higher educational institutions had practical training in departments of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic.
News of non-banking financial and credit institutions
The National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic issued licenses/certificates to the following non-banking financial institutions and exchange offices:
1. Institution MCA “Ak-Tash” (Account Registration Certificate No.223 dated July 6, 2009 for micro crediting individuals and legal entities). Legal address: 259, Toktogula Str., Bishkek;
2. Institution MCA “Ayger-M Kredit” (Account Registration Certificate No.224 dated July 8, 2009 for micro crediting individuals and legal entities). Legal address: 27, Mejevaya Str., Chui village, Chui rayon, Chui oblast;
3. Institution MCA “Bystyi Kredit” (Account Registration Certificate No.225 dated July 9, 2009 for micro crediting individuals and legal entities). Legal address: 101/1, Manas Str., Bishkek;
4. Institution MCA “Kredit service” (Account Registration Certificate No.226 dated July 9, 2009 for micro crediting individuals and legal entities). Legal address: 210a, Imanalieva Str., Ortosay village, Bishkek.
5. Additional Responsibility Society pawn office “Tirek Credit” (license No.425 dated July 9, 2009 for conducting operations on granting short-term credits secured by movable property (pawn)). Legal address: 34, Lenin Str., Jalalabat, Jalalabat oblast;
6. LLC “Stroyplastprom” (License No. 4092 dated July 6, 2009 for conducting cash foreign exchange transactions). Legal address: Oomat market, Kara-Suu town, Osh oblast;
7. PE Ergeshova Mayram Bakirovna (License No. 4093 dated July 7, 2009 for conducting cash foreign exchange transactions). Legal address: district Oktyabr, aiyl okmotu Savay, Kara-Suu town, Osh oblast.
8. LLC “Sigmastroy” (License No. 4094 dated July 9, 2009 for conducting cash foreign exchange transactions). Registration number of the exchange office: 2286. Legal address: 4a, Chui avenue, Bishkek;
9. PE Begimkulov Kasimjon Diykanbaevich (License No. 4095 dated July 9, 2009 for conducting cash foreign exchange transactions). Legal address: Kolkhoz Market, Vokzalnaya Str., Bazarkorgon village, Bazarkorgon rayon, Jalalabat oblast.
10. PE Yakubov Faruh Erkinovich (License No. 4096 dated July 9, 2009 for conducting cash foreign exchange transactions). Legal address: atelier Maryam, central market, Jalalabat, Jalalabat oblast.
11. PE Anarbaev Shavkat Tashtemirovich (License No. 4097 dated July 9, 2009 for conducting cash foreign exchange transactions). Legal address: atelier Maryam, central market, Jalalabat, Jalalabat oblast.
12. PE Akkuratov Valery Vladimirovich (License No. 4098 dated July 9, 2009 for conducting cash foreign exchange transactions). Registration number of the exchange office: 2287. Legal address: 136/1, Moskovskaya Str., Bishkek;
13. PE Israilov Saljar Tugelbaevich (License No. 4099 dated July 9, 2009 for conducting cash foreign exchange transactions). Registration number of the exchange office: 2288. Legal address: Tugolboy Ata Str./Erkindik Avenue, Bishkek;
14. LLC “Entertainment Club KLIK” (License No. 4100 dated July 10, 2009 for conducting cash foreign exchange transactions). Registration number of the exchange office: 2289. Legal address: 127. Chui Avenue, Bishkek;
15. PE Adieva Raushan Kubanychbekovna (License No. 4101 dated July 10, 2009 for conducting cash foreign exchange transactions). Legal address: 70/2, Sovetskaya Str., Cholpon-Ata, Issyk-Kul oblast.
Inter-bank payments
Indices of Interbank payment systems (IPS) |
Total IPS |
including |
Clearing system |
Gross system |
KGS mln |
items |
KGS mln |
items |
KGS mln |
items |
Indices from the period of July 6, 2009 – July 10, 2009 (reporting period) |
Absolute value for a week |
8 121,0 |
77 108 |
1 206,1 |
75 196 |
6 914,9 |
1 912 |
Share of IPS payments (%) |
100,0 |
100,0 |
14,9 |
97,5 |
85,1 |
2,5 |
including (%): |
Net positions of Common Interbank Processing Center |
0,2 |
0,4 |
1,1 |
0,4 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
Outgoing to the Central Treasurer's Office |
16,8 |
6,7 |
21,4 |
6,8 |
16,0 |
1,5 |
Incoming from the Central Treasurer's Office |
15,8 |
42,0 |
15,9 |
43,0 |
15,8 |
1,8 |
Outgoing to the Social Fund |
0,04 |
0,4 |
0,3 |
0,4 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
Incoming from the Social Fund |
2,0 |
4,9 |
13,4 |
5,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
Average weekly indices for the previous month |
Absolute Value |
8 552,8 |
72 834 |
1 240,6 |
70 768 |
7 312,2 |
2 066 |
Indexes deviations of the reporting period from the weekly average indexes of the previous month |
Absolute Value |
-431,8 |
4 274 |
-34,5 |
4 428 |
-397,3 |
-154 |
% |
-5,0 |
5,9 |
-2,8 |
6,3 |
-5,4 |
-7,5 |
Indices of “Elcart” system
As of |
03.07.09 |
10.07.09 |
Number of cards in circulation (exclusive of the re-issued cards) |
56 196 |
57 142 |
Number of pos-terminals:
- in banks - in trade centers |
367 80 |
367 80 |
Number of automated teller machines |
137 |
139 |
* According to CJSC “Interbank processing center”, 16 commercial banks out to 22 are connected to it.