ь The National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic informs that in the first quarter of 2009, 17 vacancies were announced, among them 12 vacancies for the central department and 5 vacancies for regional departments, including:
– for turnover rate – 13 vacancies;
– for probation – 2 vacancies;
– for work on standard tender documents – 2 vacancies.
The work on 7 vacancies has been completed. 159 applicants participated to obtain those vacancies. As per results of the performed contests, 5 new employees were employed to work in the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Within the framework of cooperation with higher institutions of the country, the main purpose of which is preparation of personnel potential, in the first quarter of 2009, 21 students of the country’s higher institutions were in training in the structural divisions of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic.
News of non-banking financial and credit institutions
The National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic issued licenses/certificates to the following non-banking financial institutions and exchange offices:
1. Additional Responsibility Society pawn office “Kapitel” (license No.394 dated March 30, 2009 for conducting operations on granting short-term credits secured by movable property (pawn)). Legal address: 106, Usenbaeva Str., Bishkek;
2. Additional Responsibility Society pawn office “Omur Myrza” (license No.395 dated April 2, 2009 for conducting operations on granting short-term credits secured by movable property (pawn)). Legal address: 17, Nurjanova Str., Talas, Talas oblast;
3. Additional Responsibility Society pawn office “Dastan-Kredit” (license No.396 dated April 2, 2009 for conducting operations on granting short-term credits secured by movable property (pawn)). Legal address: Umetalieva Str., Kerben, Aksy rayon, Jalalabat oblast
4. PE Kakeev Zarylbek Mederkulovich (License No 3949 dated March 30, 2009 for conducting cash foreign exchange transactions). Registration number of exchange office: 2185. Legal address: Kievskaya Str/Kuleeva Str., Osh market, Bishkek;
5. PE Beishebaeva Aynura Mendibekovna (License No 3950 dated March 30, 2009 for conducting cash foreign exchange transactions). Registration number of exchange office: 2187. Legal address: 6-3, Den Syaopina Str., Bishkek;
6. PE Myrsalieva Gulipa Baktybaevna (License No 3951 dated March 31, 2009 for conducting cash foreign exchange transactions). Registration number of exchange office: 2188. Legal address: pavilion 59, northern bus stop, Trade Centre Dordoi, Bishkek;
7. PE Asanaliev Kuttuubek Mukanbetazimovich (License No 3952 dated March 31, 2009 for conducting cash foreign exchange transactions). Registration number of exchange office: 2189. Legal address: 54b-automarket Kudaiberger, Patrisa Lumumby Str., Bishkek;
8. LLC “Erhan Trade” (License No 3953 dated March 31, 2009 for conducting cash foreign exchange transactions). Registration number of exchange office: 2190. Legal address: 17a, Tolstogo Str., Bishkek;
9. PE Sentemov Dmitry Alekseevich (License No 3954 dated April 2, 2009 for conducting cash foreign exchange transactions). Registration number of exchange office: 2191. Legal address: central passage, pavilion 1, Dordoi Market, Bishkek;
10. PE Juraev Bahadyr Umarjanovich (License No 3955 dated April 2, 2009 for conducting cash foreign exchange transactions). Legal address: Bazarnaya Str., Osh, Osh oblast;
11. PE Mavlyanov Taalaibek Daminovich (License No 3956 dated April 3, 2009 for conducting cash foreign exchange transactions). Legal address: LLC Aybek Bazary, Kyzyl Kiya, Batken oblast;
12. PE Shamshiev Sherali Amankulovich (License No 3957 dated April 3, 2009 for conducting cash foreign exchange transactions). Legal address: LLC Aybek Bazary, Kyzyl Kiya, Batken oblast;
13. PE Sartpaev Kanybek Sagynbekovich (License No 3901 dated March 4, 2009 for conducting cash foreign exchange transactions). Registration number of additional exchange office: 2186. Legal address: Cholpon-Atinskaya Str./Kolbaeva Str., Bishkek.
Interbank payments
Indexes of the Interbank Payment Systems (IPS) |
Total IPS |
including |
Clearing system |
Gross system |
volume million soms |
quantity items |
volume million soms |
quantity items |
volume million soms |
quantity items |
Indexes for the period from March 30, 2009 to April 3, 2009 (reporting period) |
Absolute Value |
9 194,0 |
63 031 |
1 321,9 |
60 758 |
7 872,1 |
2 273 |
Share in IPS payments (%) |
100,0 |
100,0 |
14,4 |
96,4 |
85,6 |
3,6 |
including (%): |
Net positions of Common Interbank Processing Center |
0,1 |
0,4 |
0,9 |
0,4 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
Outgoing to the Central Treasurer's Office |
23,2 |
14,1 |
28,9 |
14,6 |
22,2 |
2,1 |
Incoming from the Central Treasurer's Office |
12,8 |
42,1 |
14,2 |
43,6 |
12,6 |
2,3 |
Outgoing to the Social Fund |
0,4 |
1,1 |
2,6 |
1,1 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
Incoming from the Social Fund |
1,8 |
7,2 |
12,4 |
7,5 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
Average weekly indexes for the previous month |
Absolute Value |
7 036,0 |
59 662 |
1 020,5 |
58 008 |
6 015,5 |
1 654 |
Indexes deviations of the reporting period from the weekly average indexes of the previous month |
2 158,0 |
3 369 |
301,4 |
2 750 |
1 856,6 |
619 |
% |
30,7 |
5,6 |
29,5 |
4,7 |
30,9 |
37,4 |
ь As of April 3, 2009, the shareholders of CJSC “Interbank processing center” include 16 commercial banks and OJSC “Kyrgyztelecom”. 16 commercial banks are connected to the Single Interbank Processing Center. 44 267 Elcart cards were issued, 421 terminals and 109 automated teller machines are functioning. 343 terminals are installed in branches and savings departments of commercial banks in Bishkek and regional centers, 78 terminals in trade-service enterprises.
The list of cash issuance centers, automated teller machines and trade-service enterprises, service the national cards Elcard is provided on the site of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic (www.nbkr.kg) in the section “Payment system/Single Interbank Processing Center”.