ь On October 14 and 15, 2009 the Management Board of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic held regular meetings in the course of which the following issues were considered and appropriate resolutions were adopted:
On introduction of changes and amendments to some normative acts of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic (No.41/3). Amendments will be introduced to: Provision “On minimum requirements for arrangement of internal control in commercial banks and other financial-and-credit institutions, licensed by the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic for the purpose of prevention of financing of terrorism and legalization of incomes, received in illegal ways”, Provision “On the procedure for performance of the exchange transactions with cash foreign currency in the Kyrgyz Republic”, Provision “On minimum requirements for the system of internal control in micro-financing organizations and credit unions of the Kyrgyz Republic for the purpose of prevention of financing of terrorism and legalization of incomes, received in illegal ways” and Instruction for performance of inspections on-site;
On instruction “On the procedure for compliance with the limits of the foreign exchange exposure by the banks, performing transactions in accordance with the Islamic principles of financing and banking industry” (No.41/4);
On introduction of amendments into some normative and regulatory acts of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic (No.41/5). Amendments will be introduced into the Provision “On periodic regulatory report of the micro-credit company/ micro-credit agency and pawn office” and into the Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic “On amount of charge for licenses, issued by the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic”;
On draft Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On Payment System of the Kyrgyz Republic” (No.41/6);
On approval of the Provision “On banking payment cards in the Kyrgyz Republic” (No.41/7);
On introduction of amendments into the Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic “On approval of tariffs for the services of the System of package clearing of small retail and regular payments and tariffs for the services of the Gross System of Settlements on a real-time basis” (41/9);
On introduction of changes and amendments to the Policy of the Banks Refinancing LLC “Specialized Fund for Banks Refinancing” (Spetzializirovannyi Fond Refinansirovaniya Bankov) (No.42/1).
ь Information message about fake banknotes of the national currency.
Due to emergence of fake banknotes of the nominal value of 5000 soms on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic, the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic calls attention to the fact that face banknotes have the serial number starting with АА 2531*** (last three digits may vary). Moreover, forgers of banknotes try to make banknotes look like original ones, by deteriorating and abrading to conceal the differences from original banknotes.
In order to distinguish a doubtful banknote from the original one, it is necessary to compare it with the original banknote. It is not good to trust the availability of only one feature, it is necessary to check all the known protective elements of the banknotes authenticity:
1. To investigate the element SPARK – dark-green square on the left from the portrait. Bulky figures of the nominal value should change their color from dark-green to light-green when the banknote is bent from the right to the left. When bending the banknote up and down, the figures of the nominal value should change their color from green to blue.
2. To check the presence of security thread of window type, which should change its color from red to green, when turning the banknote, and seem to be solid when looking through.
3. Relief of the image of the Kyrgyz national design, which is placed on the yellow circle background, may be checked by-touch.
4. Special attention should be paid to the square, placed at the right down corner of the banknote. When turning the banknote, the figures of the nominal value “5000” should be seen.
5. It is necessary to investigate the banknote back side. Iridescence line with the signatures “5 000” and “Kyrgyz Banky” should be visible
If you possess doubtful banknote, it should be provided to the investigative department of the Financial Police Service or to the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic, where the specialists will perform the expertise of the banknote’s originality. You should not try to off-load the doubtful banknote because not only production but also distribution of fake banknotes is prosecuted by the law.
In accordance with the article 198 of the Criminal Code of the Kyrgyz Republic, storage or selling of fake banknotes is punished by the prison term from three to five years with confiscation of property. The same actions, committed in large scale or by the group of individuals, are punished by the prison term up to 10 years with confiscation of property.
Expertise of doubtful banknotes and coins of the Kyrgyz Republic national currency is performed by the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic every day from Monday to Friday from 9 A.M. to midday. Payment for expertise is not charged. Expertise term is 5 working days as the maximum.
News of non-banking financial and credit institutions
The National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic issued licenses/certificates to the following non-banking financial institutions and exchange offices:
1. PE Kadyrov Erkinjan Tajimatovich (License No. 4165 dated October 16, 2009 for conducting cash foreign exchange transactions). Legal address: central market, Bazar Korgon Jalalabat, Jalalabat oblast;
2. PE Don Natalya Nikolaevna (License No. 4164 dated October 15, 2009 for conducting cash foreign exchange transactions). Registration number of the exchange office: 2344. Legal address: 176, Abdrakhmanova Str., Bishkek;
3. PE Azimov Kubanychbek (License No. 4163 dated October 14, 2009 for conducting cash foreign exchange transactions). Legal address: “Central market”, Gagarina Str., Kadamjay village, Batken oblast;
4. PE Urinbaev Sabirjan Karimovich (License No. 4162 dated October 12, 2009 for conducting cash foreign exchange transactions). Legal address: trade point 8, raw 0, Turatali market, Kara Suu village, Osh oblast;
5. PE Taabaldiev Abdirashit Tajidinovich (License No. 4161 dated October 12, 2009 for conducting cash foreign exchange transactions). Legal address: 8, Sadykova Str., Batken, Batken oblast;
6. LLC TRIO (License No. 4160 dated October 12, 2009 for conducting cash foreign exchange transactions). Registration number of the exchange office: 2342. Legal address: (gambling place) 117, Chui Avenue, Bishkek;
7. PE Kosov Yurii Mihailovich (License No. 4159 dated October 12, 2009 for conducting cash foreign exchange transactions). Registration number of the exchange office: 2341. Legal address: 72 a, Baitik Baatyra Str., Kara-Balta, Chui oblast;
8. LLC MCC “Ak-Bata Inkom” (certificate on accounting registration №244 dated October 12, 2009 for micro-crediting of legal entities and individuals). Legal address: 138, Matyeva Str., Chaek village, Jumgal rayon, Naryn oblast;
9. LLC MCC “UTASU” (certificate on accounting registration №245 dated October 12, 2009 for micro-crediting of legal entities and individuals). Legal address: 136, Bokonbaeva Str., Bishkek;
10. Public Fund MCC “Myrzaiym” (certificate on accounting registration №181 dated October 15, 2009 for micro-crediting of legal entities and individuals). Legal address: 18, Baibagash uulu Atygul Str., Jalgyz Terek village, Naryn rayon, Naryn oblast.
The National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic revoked certificates/licenses from the following non-financing credit institutions:
1. Certificate on accounting registration No.36 of the LLC MCC “Shans-Credit” dated September 30, 2005, was revoked from October 13, 2009 on the basis of the Resolution No.30 dated October 13, 2009 due to non-performance of the activity on issuance of micro-credits with the term of more than one year. Legal address: 55-60, 5 micro district, Bishkek;
2. Certificate on accounting registration No.135 of the LLC MCC “El-Credit” dated May 23, 2005, was revoked from October 13, 2009 on the basis of the Resolution No.31 dated October 13, 2009 due to non-performance of the activity on issuance of micro-credits with the term of more than one year. Legal address: 37-81, Shopokova Str., Bishkek;
3. License No.4065, dated June 5, 2009, for performance of exchange transactions with foreign currency has been revoked from the PE Tekespaeva Nuriya Baiyshovna from October 16, 2009 due to end of the season. Legal address: Zodiak Casino, 97, Sovetskaya Str, Cholpon Ata, Issyk-Kul oblast;
4. License No. 493, dated July 13, 2005 has been revoked from the Credit Union “Lider Osh” from October 13, 2009 on the basis of the minutes of the General Meeting of Participants on self-liquidating of the credit union, dated September 23, 2009. Legal address: 4, Tereshkova Str., Kara Suu town, Kara Suu rayon, Osh oblast.
Inter-bank payments
Indices of Interbank payment systems (IPS) |
Total IPS |
including |
Clearing system |
Gross system |
KGS mln |
items |
KGS mln |
items |
KGS mln |
items |
Indices from the period of October 12, 2009 – October 16, 2009 (reporting period) |
Absolute value for a week |
8 018,8 |
69 385 |
1 178,3 |
67 454 |
6 840,5 |
1 931 |
Share of IPS payments (%) |
100,0 |
100,0 |
14,7 |
97,2 |
85,3 |
2,8 |
including (%): |
Net positions of Common Interbank Processing Center |
0,2 |
0,4 |
1,1 |
0,4 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
Outgoing to the Central Treasurer's Office |
19,6 |
4,9 |
15,1 |
5,0 |
20,3 |
3,3 |
Incoming from the Central Treasurer's Office |
21,0 |
46,4 |
19,5 |
47,7 |
21,2 |
2,1 |
Outgoing to the Social Fund |
0,01 |
0,2 |
0,1 |
0,2 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
Incoming from the Social Fund |
1,1 |
7,9 |
7,6 |
8,1 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
Average weekly indices for the previous month |
Absolute Value |
14 091,7 |
59 238 |
1 120,1 |
57 095 |
12 971,6 |
2 143 |
Indexes deviations of the reporting period from the weekly average indexes of the previous month |
-6 072,9 |
10 147 |
58,2 |
10 359 |
-6 131,1 |
-212 |
% |
-43,1 |
17,1 |
5,2 |
18,1 |
-47,3 |
-9,9 |
Indices of “Elcart” system*
As of |
October 9, 2009 |
October 16, 2009 |
Number of cards in circulation (exclusive of the re-issued cards)) |
69 795 |
70 368 |
Number of pos-terminals:
- in banks - in trade centers |
384 83 |
384 83 |
Number of automated teller machines |
148 |
149 |
* According to CJSC “Interbank processing center”, 16 commercial banks out to 22 are connected to it.