National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic 



June 30, 2024 


Name of the items 

on 30.06.2024  

thousand som  

on 30.06.2023 

thousand som  



167 380 546 

89 792 257 

Due from cash, banks and other financial institutions 

117 816 845 

93 511 818 

Issued loan 

2 534 798 

Investments at fair value through other comprehensive income 

42 090 638 

29 570 550 

Investments at amortized cost 

15 602 381 

5 104 564 

Investments in affiliated and associated companies 

7 386 145 

11 758 619 

Property and equipment 

2 244 553 

1 975 467 

Intangible assets 

34 030 

25 113 

Non-monetary gold and stocks in gold 

128 044 299 

159 085 008 

Other assets 

3 297 703 

1 769 548 

Total assets 

483 897 140 

395 127 742 




Liabilities and equity 






Banknotes and coins in circulation 

222 635 218  

195 382 520 

Due to banks and other financial institutions 

114 743 392 

53 385 047 

Accounts of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic 

41 475 322 

17 776 615 

Debt securities issued 

28 877 415 

52 211 604 

Liabilities to the IMF in respect of SDR allocations 

9 698 176 

13 537 400 

Other liabilities 

566 655 

346 248 

Total liabilities 

417 996 178 

332 639 434 







Charter capital 

4 000 000 

4 000 000 

Required reserves 

8 262 982 

7 244 293 

Precious metals and foreign currency revaluation reserve 

53 963 239  

33 560 744 

Investments available-for-sale fair value reserve 

(242 490) 

(352 478) 

Retained earnings of the previous period 

10 186 889 

Retained earnings 

(82 769) 

7 848 860 

Total equity 

65 900 962 

62 488 308 

Total liabilities and equity 

483 897 140 

395 127 742 






Chairman M.Turgunbaev 

Chief accountant A. Abylgazieva